Flying at Écausseville until Saturday 31 August.
Then from Saturday 19 October to Sunday 3 November. + 33 6 41 98 32 97

Aéroplume flights into the grotte de la Salamandre

Écausseville, Flora Moscovivi, Hopeless Sky

Hopeless Sky

As part of Normandie Impressionniste 2024, artist Flora Moscovici has been invited by FRAC Normandie to paint the floor of the Écausseville airship hangar. Her remarkable fresco, covering more than 2 000 m2, has been on show since 10 June and will be on display until Sunday 22 September.

Until Saturday 31 August, Aérosculpture is offering visitors the chance to discover the work from above, aboard an Aéroplume. During your flight, you’ll discover the work from above, and with your wings flapping!
> Book an Aéroplume flight

Discover Flora Moscovici’s project on the FRAC Normandie website. On the Normandie Impressionniste website.

Follow the Aéroplume on ▸ Facebook ▸ Instagram

The Aéroplume, what is it?

The Aéroplume is a one-person blimp, minimum-sized, that enables you to fly by flapping wings!

The pilot lies in an harness, under a bubble of helium. Released from gravity, through helium, and equipped with wings, he can then fly on his own, moving freely in the air by the strength of his arms. The significant wind surface area and the low flying speed (5 to 8 km/h), are the reason why the Aéroplume is exclusively done indoor, inside large rooms, sheltered from weather conditions.

Flap your wings and fly away! Enjoy the unique sensation of being lighter than air. Safe activity accessible to all, from 10 years old and up to 90 kg (2). The Aéroplume was invented by Jean-Pierre David, it’s about airship contemporary history in France. Registered trademark and model.

Aéroplume diagram

Aéroplume Écausseville

The Aérosculpture association offers the public an introduction to fly with the Aéroplume, inside the Écausseville’s airship hangar, in Normandy, thereby reviving the site’s historic vocation, dedicated to aerostation.

Erected between 1917 and 1919, for the French Navy airships assigned to coastal surveillance, this impressive building is the last of its kind, in the world! It is built on 5 hectares of greenery, bordered by a stream, at the heart of the Cotentin peninsula within the Regional Natural Park of the Cotentin and Bessin Marshlands. White storks are living here and in the spring, one also sees the blooms of bee orchids...

Inside the hangar, between the elements of the structure, a wide corridor of 150 meters length, 24 meters width and 30 meters height allows the flight of 2 or 3 Aéroplumes.

▸ You’ve booked your flight or after seeing other people fly, you wanna give it a try: come to the caravan, it’s our office.
▸ Our instructors first ask you for your weight and then assist you making yourself comfortable into the harness, suspended under the Aéroplume. Imagine that you dream that you fly: it’s the same in the Aéroplume, lying on your stomach, arms stretched and head forwards.
▸ You get into the Aéroplume dressed as you have arrived, no special suits required. One might take off his shoes eventually. No special physical shape required.
▸ We ballast or unballast you so that you weigh exactly 0 kg.
Due to the helium inside the balloon, you are in equilibrium now, floating in the air.
Some indications and then and you’re able to take off.
▸ Your instructor goes with you throughout the flight.

Fly the Aéroplume in Écausseville from Saturday 22 June to Saturday 31 August 2024. And from Saturday 19 October to Sunday 3 November (French autumn/all Saints’ Day holidays)(1).

Daily from 9:30, last flight at 17:30, booking recommended.
Book your flight online / / + 33 (0)6 41 98 32 97

Single rate €70.

Safe activity accessible to all, from 10 years old and up to 90 kg(2). One must know his weight when booking.

Duration 30 minutes: about 20 minutes of actual flight, 10 minutes for the pilot’s installation into the harness, the adjustments, the ballast and the flight guidelines.

Offer an Aéroplume flight!

(1) Follow us on Facebook / Instagram, subscribe to our newsletter to know where and when to fly with the Aéroplume.
(2) Over time and depending on the weather, the load capacity of an Aéroplume varies and decreases. For pilots whose weight exceeds 80 kg, please call us.

Aerostatic experimental activity, supported and conducted by the Aérosculpture association.

On the occasion of your flight, we thank you for your patience and your understanding.

Normandy region, Manche department, Cotentin peninsula. On the N13 expressway, exit Écausseville between Sainte-Mère-Église and Montebourg → direction Écausseville D510, follow the brown signs “Hangar à dirigeables” → cross the village → drive another 1.4 km on the D510.

We share the site with a small museum about war and ballooning. ☆ Parking, toilets and large green meadows.

Subscribe to our newsletter to know where and when to fly with the Aéroplume.

Our online booking system currently only allows you to book one flight at a time.

If you want to book several flights for several people, you will (simply) have to repeat the reservation AND PAYMENT operation for each flight/each person. Or contact us.

Choose your weight class; indicate “1” in quantity when selecting the rate; choose the date and time slot you want to fly to.