Legal information is published by Aérosculpture, association under the law of 1901, 780 route de Donnat 30200 La Roque-sur-Cèze, France. SIRET 430 253 211 00055, entertainment licences PLATESV-R-2020-002003 and PLATESV-R-2020-001960, APE 9001Z, VAT FR45430253211.
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Terms and conditions of Aéroplume flights sales are available here:
Texts, images, graphics, sounds, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on the website are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and are exclusively reserved for the communication of Aérosculpture and Aéroplume. The rights for all the works presented on this site, in particular the Aéroplume, are managed for Jean-Pierre David by the Société des Auteurs dans les Arts graphiques et plastiques (ADAGP). All the shows presented by Aérosculpture are registered by Jean-Pierre David at the Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs dramatiques (SACD).
Photo/video credits
Home page video: Jérôme Houyvet
What is the Aéroplume?
Grand Palais, Paris, Fête des Transports et de la Mobilité durables. Photo Aérosculpture
On-board camera at Tropical Islands, Germany. Photo 2high ballooning
1, 2, 3, 4... Aéroplume(s) can fly simultaneously in Écausseville. Photo Antoine Sibué
Palais des sports de Lyon, aerostatic workshop with students from ENSBA (Lyon school of arts). Photo Aérosculpture
Lying under the Aéroplume, in harness. The position is the same as in dreams where you are flying. Photo Coraline et Léo
Flying in a historic monument: the Écausseville airship hangar. Photo Élise Bauvin
Flight demos, ICI Paris XL evening, Brussels. Photo Élise Bauvin
Video editing: Pierre Laly.
How does an Aéroplume flight at Écausseville work?
The Aéroplume Écausseville team welcomes you. Photo Aérosculpture
Settling into the Aéroplume. Photo Caroline Hellegeais
Settings, ballast and flight instructions. Photo Coraline et Léo
Take off smoothly, moving through the air with your wings. Photo Coraline et Léo
An instructor remains at your side during the flight. Photo Aérosculpture
A unique activity in Normandy
The Écausseville airship hangar. Photo Aktua Prod
Video: Normandie Tourisme.
Share your flight experience
A day of flights at Écausseville. Photo IEM Hérouville-Saint-Clair
This little boy improvises himself as a flight instructor. Photo Antoine Sibué
Skill and concentration to move through the air. Photo Élise Bauvin
You’ll leave Écausseville with a “plumonaut” diploma. Photo Dean Arthurs
A family affair. Photo Mickaëlle